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Stationary Bike | Belt Drive Indoor Cycling Bike |

Sunny Health & Fitness


Adjustable Leather Pad Resistance Sturdy Frame 49 lb Flywheel 4-Way Adjustable Seat features Whether you're looking for the cycle class experience at home, or you're an avid outdoor cyclist who wants to stay in riding shape during bad weather, our Sunny Health & Fitness SF-B1002 Belt Drive Indoor Cycling Bike is just what you are looking for. The 49 lb flywheel produces the same feeling as if you are pedaling a road bike. This cycle bike provides full customizability from adjusting the handlebars, seat and resistance; it gives you full control of your workout! 49 LB FLYWHEEL The heavier the flywheel, the smoother the ride! Creating more momentum for longer periods of time keeps your workout going the distance. Sunny Health and Fitness' flywheel is second to none when it comes to feeling like you are really riding outdoors! No more jerky, out of control movements, regardless of speed or resistance level! Micro-Adjustable Resistance Switch up the intensity of your workout with the convenient tension knob. With a simple twist, you can increase or decrease resistance so your workout can remain challenging and effective throughout your fitness journey. Utilizing this tool allows the user to engage in different and unique routines in every workout which stimulates the muscles differently and creates a variety of new patterns of workouts. Caged Pedal Proper foot placement is essential to any biking workout! Ensure your feet are securely in the right place with Sunny Health and Fitness' added foot cage feature. Avoid